Top things to remember for first time travelers
Before you have an experience of a lifetime in your Japan trip, you just need to take care of the most important thing first, your Japan Tourist Visa! Below is a guide on how you can apply for your Japan Tourist Visa as well as fulfilling requirements for travelers to Japan.
Yang perlu Anda lakukan hanyalah, masuk ke situs web Blinkvisa dan kirimkan permintaan Anda, kami akan mengurus proses lengkap permohonan Visa Inggris mulai dari menyiapkan dokumen Anda hingga mendapatkan visa berdasarkan pedoman ahli visa kami.
Foreigner Services - Visa Kunjungan
Visa kunjungan diberikan kepada Orang Asing yang akan melakukan perjalanan ke Indonesia untuk kunjungan seperti dalam rangka tugas pemerintahan, pendidikan, sosial budaya, pariwisata, bisnis, keluarga, jurnalistik, atau singgah untuk meneruskan perjalanan ke negara lain. Wisata, keluarga, sosial, seni dan budaya, tugas pemerintahan, olahraga yang tidak bersifat komersial, studi banding, kursus/pelatihan singkat, memberikan bimbingan, penyuluhan dan pelatihan dalam penerapan dan inovasi teknologi industri untuk meningkatkan mutu dan desain produk industri serta kerja sama pemasaran luar negeri bagi Indonesia
Selain itu juga untuk melakukan pekerjaan darurat dan mendesak, jurnalistik yang telah mendapat izin dari instansi yang berwenang, pembuatan film yang tidak bersifat komersial dan telah mendapat izin dari instansi yang berwenang, melakukan pembicaraan bisnis, melakukan pembelian barang, memberikan ceramah atau mengikuti seminar, mengikuti pameran internasional, mengikuti rapat yang diadakan dengan kantor pusat atau perwakilan di Indonesia, melakukan audit, kendali mutu produksi, atau inspeksi pada cabang perusahaan di Indonesia, calon tenaga kerja asing dalam uji coba kemampuan dalam bekerja, meneruskan perjalanan ke negara lain; dan bergabung dengan alat angkut yang berada di Wilayah Indonesia.
Orang asing dapat memperoleh visa kunjungan pada saat kedatangannya di wilayah Indonesia , jika negaranya termasuk dalam daftar negara Visa Kunjungan Saat Kedatangan.
visa kunjungan saat kedatangan diberikan lama tinggal 30 (tiga puluh) hari dan dapat diperpanjang 1 (satu) kali dengan lama tinggal 30 (tiga puluh) hari.
Orang asing dapat mengajukan visa kunjungan melalui perwakilan indonesia di Luar Negeri atau melalui penjamin di Indonesia dengan mengajukan ke Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi di Jakarta. Visa Kunjungan diterbitkan oleh Kedutaan Besar RI atau Konsulat Jenderal RI di Luar Negeri
Visa kunjungan diberikan lama tinggal 60 (enam puluh) hari, dapat diperpanjang sebanyak 4 (empat) kali dan setiap kali perpanjangan diberikan lama tinggal 30 (tiga puluh) hari.
Orang asing dapat berkunjungan beberapa kali ke wilayah indonesia hanya untuk tujuan kunjungan keluarga, bisnis dan tugas pemerintahan.
Visa kunjungan beberapa kali perjalanan berlaku sampai 1 (satu) tahun dengan lama kunjungan paling lama 60 (enam puluh) hari dan tidak dapat diperpanjang.
Silahkan kunjungi untuk mendapatkan informasi jenis visa dan tujuannya, persyaratan, dan pengajuan visa.
Diperbarui 7 Januari 2024 11.35 WIB
Travel insurance is mandatory for all Schengen countries. If you have not purchased, please click here
Document required for Medical Treatment please click here. Please note as per instructions received from Embassy of Switzerland, personal Bank statement (last 3 months) with stamp/signature of Bank in original needs to be submitted on A4 size only.
“Applicants and travel agents are requested not to bind two or more passports with a stapler to avoid getting it damaged. Instead you may bind them together using rubber bands.”
No other format will be accepted at the VFS Global counter.
Download visa application form; English–German (click here)
Download Declaration of consent click here
Applicants who have rendered their fingerprint data in the last 59 months may opt to delegate the submission to a third party (kindly note that the Embassy reserve the rights to call the applicant(s) if the biometric/fingerprint data cannot be retrieved in the system). Please note that applicants under 18 y.o., in any circumstances, must be accompanied/represented by both parents (father and mother) when submitting the visa application.
For application more than 1 person (FAMILY/Colleague) must made a copy of document for each application.
If you will be visiting more than 1 country, you must make an itinerary. For download itinerary form please click here
If you intend to visit Japan for tourism purposes you will likely need a Japan Tourist Visa.
Japan is one of the most-visited countries in the world, receiving millions of tourists every year, who travel to see its mix of modernism, culture, history, and nature.
Out of those tourists, many had to apply for a Tourist Visa before they could travel there, although not everyone needs a Tourist Visa for Japan.
This article will detail the Japan Tourist Visa, including the application process, required documents, and other frequently asked questions.
Getting the Japan Landing Permit
Once you arrive in Japan, the Immigration officers at the point of entry will review your Japan Tourist Visa and the documents which prove your purpose of stay, and they will give you a Landing Permit.
Once you get the Landing Permit, your Japan Tourist Visa will become invalid. It is the Landing Permit (which is stamped on your passport) that allows you to legally enter and stay in Japan for the duration it is issued.
Can I Work With a Japan Tourist Visa?
No, you cannot. You are not allowed to engage in any sort of remunerated activity in Japan while you are there on a Tourist Visa. This type of visa is only issued for tourism, visits, and recreational purposes.
If you want to work in Japan, you need a Japan Work Visa.
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How to Get a Japan Tourist Visa?
You have to apply for a Japan Tourist Visa from a Representative Office of Japan abroad (Embassy or Consulate) or through an accredited travel agency. The process for a Japan Tourist Visa application can be summed up as follows:
Can I Apply for a Japan Tourist Visa Online?
No, for the moment, you cannot apply online for any of the Japan visas. The Japanese government planned to launch an online system to accept Japan Tourist Visa applications starting in April 2020. The main reason behind the launch was to facilitate the application system for Japan Tourist Visas ahead of the 2020 Olympic Games. However, because of the unprecedented situation with the coronavirus pandemic, the Olympics were postponed to 2021, whereas it is unknown yet when the online system will launch.
How Much is the Japan Tourist Visa Fee?
The fees for Japan visas are as follows:
You only have to pay a visa fee if your application is approved.
If you apply through an approved travel/visa application agency, they will charge you for a service fee.
The fees for Japan Tourist Visas can change depending on the local currency or your nationality.
Can I Extend a Japan Tourist Visa?
In most cases, no, you cannot. The Immigration Offices in Japan do not normally extend Tourist Visas beyond their validity. Tourist Visas would only be extended in extreme cases, such as a sudden illness or an accident.
You can only get a Japan Visa Extension for the types of visas that are issued for long-term stays.
What Documents Do I Need for a Japan Tourist Visa Application?
When you submit a Japanese Tourist Visa application, you need to have several supporting documents. The Japan Tourist Visa requirements are:
»Japan detailed visa requirements
How Long Does it Take to Process a Japanese Tourist Visa?
The processing time for a Japanese Tourist Visa is five working days, starting from the day that the Embassy or Consulate receives your completed application. This time could be extended if they have to send your application for further examination to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo or if they ask you for additional documents.
So, you have to make sure to start the application well in advance of the time you intend to travel to avoid delays.
What is the Duration of a Japan Tourist Visa?
A Japan Tourist Visa is issued for a maximum duration of 90 days, usually for a single entry. You can spend up to 15 days in the country once you enter via the Tourist Visa.